Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Glorified Side Piece

I recently read an article that encourages Black women to keep an open mind and date outside their race because their are not enough good Black men available. It stated that if Black women are waiting for a Black man to get married she will never marry. The article ultimately suggest this is the reason why Black women settle for being the side piece. I found the article to be disturbing, belittling and very offensive to myself as a Black man and to the Black women. This prompted my attention to take a closer look at two of the most popular shows on television: Scandal and Being Mary Jane.

 I am not taking anything away from the entertaining purposes for these two shows, but I am examining the portrayed characters of Olivia Pope and Mary Jane. These women are both beautiful, intelligent and successful, but are settling for being the side piece. Olivia had a good Black man that wanted to marry her, been knowing each other since law school and she turned him down and settled for being the side piece. Mary Jane has to be the queen of side pieces.......enough said! Do women really enjoy being the side piece? I don't believe may get spoiled by gifts, money and your bills paid, but you are sharing that man's time and his penis. You're nothing really but a present day hooker and I understand that some Black women accept the fact they will never be number 1. I wonder if a woman find that  its more acceptable if that man makes over $100,000 a year compared to a man who makes $50,000 a year hmm.... Either way money cannot compensate for a person loneliness and true happiness.

The Black man is faced with various obstacles and adversity mainly for just being Black. Their are plenty of good Black men available but Black women tend to overlook the hardworking Black Man. ex: In the movie The Family That Prays....Sanaa Lathan was married to a Good brother but fell for the fantasy lifestyle with this White man who made more money than her hard working husband. Once again she was the side piece and remained the side piece. The white man showered her with gifts and money for sex. (High Priced Hooker).  We the new slaves exchange of goods for services, they may not have chains around your body but their are chains wrapped around our minds. Wake up sisters, have some self-respect and recognize a good Black man when you see one. Stop being so negative and discouraging to our brothers, sitting on your high horse with your Ms. Independent ass.  Uplift us, encourage us and let us be the Men we were destined to be on God's green earth.

“The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within–strength, courage, dignity.” Ruby Dee 

“When we talk about putting ourselves first, we are really talking about knowing our value. You can’t do that without understanding the truth of who you are.” Mikki Taylor

“Choose people who lift you up.” Michelle Obama