Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Heads and Tails

We all have standards & preferences when choosing a man or woman of interest. Women can be very detailed with their preferences, depending on what that woman really likes, determines her attraction to a man. Some women prefer handsome, tall, dark skin, light skin, athletic build etc. I've actually had girls tell me "Rashaan you are very handsome and I would give you some if you weren't so skinny." This was back in my younger days of course where you ladies at now LOL! The ideal man must meet that woman's physical standard in order to even be considered. Presentation is everything, how you dress and carry yourself makes the difference between having swag and being lame. Women love swag and just so I'm clear, swag isn't taught its either in you or its not.

Happy young couple  in sexual intercourse - stock photo
Copyright: Conrado

A woman knows from the first time she meets a man if she is going to offer him some tail. Its never a matter of if, its just a matter of when the opportunity presents itself. Now men, we are very visual when it comes to woman, so our standards are similar, but slightly different. Most men don't care if you tall, short, light, dark, ugly or cute, just make sure that woman has some tail! Don't get me wrong some men are into nice legs, breast and flat stomachs, but a woman knows if her wagon is dragging a man is going to holler at her, regardless of how the rest of her body may look. No disrespect to the women, but think about why you see so many unattractive, uncomfortably built women with nice tails....pregnant. That woman put that a## on some man and at the end of the day we figure its all the same when the lights go out.

Men have two heads while women have one head and one tail. We as men have been chasing tail for a longtime, but tend to make bad decisions when we don't use both heads in dealing with women. My grandmother once told me god rest her soul, "A mans biggest downfall in life is a woman's a## and a liquor glass". BBD said it best "you can't trust a big butt and a smile that girl is poison." Women know we love some tail, so they use that hairy or bald headed monster between their legs to their advantage. Women can giveth and women can taketh away. Fellas we must be stronger and remember what looks good to you isn't always good for you. We can't give in every time a woman tries to mesmerize us with the tail. Women need to be told NO, feel rejected sometimes and understand that their tail is no more important than our head.


  1. Interesting topic! you mentioned that women want a man based on certain physical make-up. Well that's changing due to men mis-using our goods just for a good time. For this reason, other races have been a factor, compassionate men are on the rise based on their level of understanding a women.

    There are definitely factors to consider when the chase begins. For all the women out there that can relate when a women know right off that a man is in it, just to hit it, the chase is over for her if she's decent and have self respect she's going to walk away. But a women will appreciate his honesty because there are no mind games to play. She may entertain or she may not. If a women is simple, she will use her goods whenever, however or when the opportunity presents itself.

    I noticed you mentioned a man's biggest downfall can be a woman. True in some cases. Well, the same has happened to most women today! I've seen women use men for the very reason men are chasing them.

    Men tend to be weak when it comes to the BOOTY! But now days before you can be considered ! the question is Have you been to THE DOCTOR! lol!It's too much out there! Keeping a regular file for AIDS TEST RESULT ARE VITAL! Enough said. And Women have you had your PAP SMEARS! If not both should be chilling somewhere making sure they stay straight in that area! Real TAlk!

  2. You made some great points Ck....Thanks for your feedback!

  3. Welcome, welcome,welcome!

    I must add! Lol! Once you cross your T's and Dot all your I's (after you get in there medical file)If a person can't mentally stimulate you, can pretty much hang the physical. I don't care what you have, how you bring it, YOUR LOOKS CAN'T CARRY IT! So you might as well PUT THAT JEANNIE BACK IN THE BOTTLE! (OOOOWWWEEEE!!)

    On the other hand, The girl that's not considered poison is the one that will not only ADD VALUE TO YOUR LIFE AND NOT TAKE AWAY FROM YOU LIFE but make your life better in more ways than just the BOOTY!( THAT'S A PLUS) Men can have it all if they follow my lead! Real Talk! cck!

  4. If more men and women thought more this conversation would have no relevance. But thankfully our idiocy makes for good talk! Good work Twin!

  5. Sometimes women actually do not think about whether or not she is "going to offer him some tail"
