Friday, September 20, 2013

Tales from A Hook, Line and Sinker

If you have ever been fishing or watched fishing on television, then you are familiar with this terminology. If you don't know you may want to ask someone that knows, its not very difficult to understand. Fishing is actually considered a sport where fisherman get paid for catching certain types of fish or the largest fish. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but its all part of the game. We all play games because its a part of life and if you've just figured this out you are already losing!

Copyrights by trishrags

Women say men play too many games, but needless to say so do they. Women believe that 90% of the men who approach them are just trying to run game. It hurts me to say this fellas, but I must admit they are absolutely right. Let's examine this further as I breakdown the HOOK, LINE & SINKER.

A mans' first line of attack towards a woman of interest is the(HOOK),stare, aka the bait. If we stare at a woman and get her to stare back for anything longer than 3 seconds we got you. This is a part of the body language signal we send to get your attention in hopes that you bite. Women are fully aware of this strategy and show their disinterest by not staring back. When women stare back its an open invite hoping we come over and introduce ourselves. This is where the women play the game just on the receiving end. Fellas if you out with your woman, date or wife and she entertains the stare from a man, leave her immediately.The same rule of thumb applies to us men, if its more than a glance ladies, let him go. Remember the stare back tells us its potential and if she/he wasn't with you currently she/he would holler. This shows no respect for your partner, no self-control and ultimately you may be a  hoe. Women do not like to be perceived as thirsty, loose or desperate, so normally they won't approach a man because its considered unladylike. However, the more aggressive woman will initiate the stare and that's her way of  sending subtle hints and clues.

Now that you have her attention its time for phase 2 the conversation.(LINE) At this point for us men its all about being cool, charming and not saying nothing stupid. Fellas you do not get this far to drop the ball so stay confident and  focused. Always act like you been in this position before even if you haven't. You can have all the looks in the world but without the mouthpiece it means nothing. Now I'm sorry I cannot give you guys the words or specific things to say because the game is to be sold not told. I will tell you this, no matter what you say the mission is to get the number and getting the number is half the battle. (SINKER)Now that you see she is interested your job isn't complete until you follow up with the phone call to meet up. This is where you began to make the determination if you want to just play with your fish or do you want to take your fish home to be cleaned and seasoned. (I like my fish fillet)

My name is Rashaan and I approve this message!

1 comment:

  1. I like this topic!! LOVE LANGUAGE! Everyone has one! How you use it is vital in the beginning may determine if you get hooked. You have to know yours and how it affect your mate, companion or spouse etc.
