Thursday, October 10, 2013

The M Word

What's so interesting about the M word. It supposed to be a joined union between a couple who agree to sworn vows before God. The M word that I'm referring to is marriage. Now I'm not married, but from what I hear it can really be a beautiful thing. "Nothing is perfect (except God) you learn to compromise and work through your problems together." This is quoted from a couple that was married for over 35 years and who truly adored one parents. So what's happening with our generation where the divorce rate is higher than its ever been in the last 25 years. 75% of married couples are predicted to be divorced within the first 10 years of marriage. These statistics raise deep concern and have people second guessing if they even want to get married.

 Now some women may say that us men are just scared of making a commitment. I will say women you all have a great point it can be scary or intimidating, but more than just the norm of settling down with one person for the rest of our natural lives. Men, we are taught to protect and provide, so just the thought of feeling inadequate or feeling the fear of failing is crucial. Its not that we cannot step up to the plate, but feeling comfortable enough knowing we put ourselves in a position to succeed in our marriage. We understand it will never be a perfect time, however how we make our money, how much money we make and a plan to sustain is imperative. Women you are always ready, not saying you don't have pressure....its just a different kind of pressure: girl you getting older, don't you want kids etc. I think people's intentions to get married are good, but we tend to marry for all the wrong reasons for ex: Don't do it thinking things or a person will change. If it was bad before he, she or it will only get worst. Don't do it because you have a child together and don't want to see another man or woman raising your child. Don't do it just for the sake of saying you're married like you're checking it off your bucket list. Don't do it if you single, still chasing and you enjoy being a hoe. You will only become a married unfaithful hoe. People kill me taking their ring off when they go out like you can turn marriage off and on like a light switch. People get married and then find out they don't want the responsibility that comes with the marriage. Men and women don't get caught up thinking that you will miss out on something or the grass is greener on the other side. Remember you are always going to see someone that is equally or more attractive than your husband or wife. Getting married shouldn't be the end of the road, the thrill is gone and the fun times are over. Its supposed to be a new beginning that you are going to share with that special person, growing and exploring life together. I don't think couples go into marriage expecting it to fail, you're hoping and praying at the alter that you're making the right decision. I know marriage is meant to be forever, but sometimes relationships just run its course and expires. I am a firm believer that you can fall out of love with a person the same way you fell in love with them. There is no blueprint to follow for making a marriage last. I personally believe the things you did that made that person want to marry you is the same excitement needed throughout the marriage. Make sure you're sincerely in love with the person that he or she is and that you can tolerate their good, bad and ugly before you say I do. For all the happily married couples that still exist...Peace onto you and may god continue to bless your union!


  1. Hey Rashaan. Great blog and insight on relationships...liked and shared blessed!

  2. There is absolutely a blueprint to a successful marriage! The question is are both parties ready to follow it to a tee. It would involve putting the other person's happiness and well-being above your own, but can do this because guess what? Your mate will be doing the same. Both men and women have unique roles to play in the marriage and they have to do what will work "for them". I believe everyone wants to subscribe to a particular marriage frame when those that work best work because the two people involved set their own rules for how their marriage will work.
